Jan 23, 2007


Whoa!! two in one day - unbelievable.

As i read through a few peoples blogs; their writings both christian and secular, I experience different things. I see and feel both their pain, the ache of desire for something deeper than what they currently have, and the realness of their views and situations.

I ask myself why most people are shallow. I find some people who are truly seeking but many, many more are just 'comfortable'. I suppose my answer to the questions is because it's easier that way. Shallowness doesn't cause the deep pain that seems to remain. But it also doesn't produce the results that deep pain and pressure do. To remain shallow is to avoid, no to run from the person God is challenging and aching for us to become. He desires us to go deep to pursue hard with all that we have. He also aches to see us pursue His best, not just His basic. Will you choose to go deep, to go where the water is coolest and most refreshing, or will you continue drinking the warmed surface water that just meets your basic need?


Gosh, i haven't posted here in forever and a day!!! I even almost forgot about having it.

Update:: Kelly Pullen and I are now roommates, in a new apartment.. Loving it. Haven't even posted pics of Oliver and Annabelle, my two cats.

Okay well at least now i can say i've posted something in the new year... sorry if there's not another for a long time... I'm better reached on myspace.