Jan 27, 2006

Guilty Pleasures

As my dear friend Miss A to the T has tagged I shall *finally* concede and post my 5 guilty pleasures...

1. CSI - do I really care which one, NO I love them all!!!

2. Shopping - at one point in time about 5 years ago, I realized I had a problem.. No seriously! so over time I actually have reconsidered my stance on shopping - not that I could ever actually give it up - but I really have become a little more considerate of this guilty pleasure.

3. Photography - ever had one of those hobbies or outlets that you aboslutely loved but rarely if ever found the time or made the time to go and do. Photography allows me to see through a lens of simplicity, beauty, and creativity all things which lead to and are from our Maker.

4. Music - would not want to live without it.

5. Internet - what else would I do when i'm bored at work!

So, there it is folks! All for your viewing pleasure of course!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the internet is a good one...but to be more specific - being a voyeur and reading blogs and searching for people on the internet to see what you can find out about them...now THAT'S a guilty pleasure. Or creepy...one of the two.