Feb 21, 2006


I have most recently been engulfed in my thoughts and my search for what is right. One song that seemed to most speak is one I don't even right off know the artist or the title to but a couple of lines go like this.
"I'm so thirsty I can feel it, burning through the furthest corners of my soul. Deep desires can't describe this; name this urge that drives me somewhere, through I don't know where to go... Somehow my life depends on the river."
While I know that God is the river of life I cannot currently describe myself as being on the rivers edge. I think most accurately I can describe God as being an Oasis in a dry desert. I can look back over the last year and see myself as a woman who sits just out of sight of the oasis and I wonder to myself - I am so thirsty for you oh God - why will you not answer my calls, fulfill my desires and longings? How long Lord will you tary - how long will I be in the waiting?Because really, waiting is the hardest part - isn't it?In reality God is never far away and all it took is for me to rise up and go to the oasis - which is only as far as I walked away from it. So here am I. Finding myself resting nearere to the waters edge - He is not a mirage, He is fulfilling and He invites us to drink and drink deeply - so drink I must.

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